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Client Javascript SDK


Ingrain Client-side SDK is our Javascript client that is meant for client-side usage. The library provides a convenient wrapper for the REST APIs that Ingrain provides.


If you are using React or NextJS, you can use the client for sending events and use our UI Components to simplify the displaying of events.


npm i @ingrain/ingrain-client-js


The library exports an Ingrain class. To use it:

import { Ingrain } from '@ingrain/ingrain-client-js';

const ingrain = new Ingrain({
// constructor props

By default, the instance gets the user's JWT from local storage using the key ingrain_user_jwt_token. This means that you have to set the JWT in local storage with this key and ensure that the JWT in it is valid for all requests. This behaviour can be overridden by providing a callback method for getUserJwtToken.

Constructor Props

publishableKeyStringYour application's Publishable Key.
getUserJwtTokenGetUserJwtTokenCallback | undefinedA callback function of the signature () => string that will return the user's JWT when called. If undefined, the default behaviour is to get the JWT from local storage using the key ingrain_user_jwt_token. This method will be called before every request is sent.


setGetUserJwtTokenCallback(getUserJwtToken: GetUserJwtTokenCallback)Set/change the callback method.
createUserEvent(createUserEventBody: CreateAppUserEvent)Send an event.
readUserEvents(readQuery: ReadDisplayableAppUserEventsReqQuery)Read events.


See REST APIs for details of each property or expand the details below.

AppUserEvent details
actorIdStringID of the user who performed the action.
actorDisplayNameStringUser's name to display in Ingrain's UI components.
actorMetadataAny | nullAdditional metadata for the user. This can be any JSON object. Do not store any sensitive or confidential information here. Fields in this object are also available when defining access control rules.
entityIdStringID of the entity which the action is performed on.
entityNameStringUnique name of the entity, e.g. "personal-token", "task".
entityDisplayLabelStringEntity's name to display in Ingrain's UI components, e.g. "Personal Token", "Task".
entityMetadataAny | nullAdditional metadata for the entity. This can be any JSON object. Do not store any sensitive or confidential information here. Fields in this object are also available when defining access control rules.
appUserOrgIdString | nullUse this to store your user's team/org/group ID if your application has such concepts. This is a common use case and hence this field was created as a convenience over storing it in actorMetadata.
entityPropNameString | nullThe property of the entity that was changed, e.g. "name", "owner".
actionCREATE | UPDATE | DELETE | VIEWThe action performed.
oldValueString | nullThe old value. Do not store any sensitive or confidential information here. If the updated entity is something confidential, for example an access token, the value should not be sent.
newValueString | nullThe new (updated) value. Do not store any sensitive or confidential information here. If the updated entity is something confidential, for example an access token, the value should not be sent.
actorId: string;
actorDisplayName: string;
actorMetadata: any;
entityId: string;
entityName: string;
entityDisplayLabel: string;
entityMetadata: any;
entityPropName: string | null;
appUserOrgId: string | null;
action: Action;
oldValue: string | null;
newValue: string | null;
page?: number;
pageSize?: number;
actorId?: string;
entityId?: string;

Ready-to-use UI Components

The client SDK provides flexibility if you want to build your own UI components to display events. However, if you are using React or NextJS, Ingrain provides UI components out of the box. The components abstract away common functionalities. For more details, proceed to Component References.